The HBO series “Succession” follows the Roy family as the children of the Waystar Royco founder, Logan Roy, battle f...
Run your business like you’re about to be abducted by aliens
How well does your company run when you don’t show up for work? The answer to this question has a significant impact o...
Can’t hire salespeople? Do this instead.
Is the labor shortage making it challenging to add to your sales team? Build a successful marketing system. In addition ...
Keep your employees through the Great Resignation
The labor shortage is one of the three most significant challenges to businesses today. One way to attract new workers i...
Planning for higher taxes
They say nothing is certain in life but death and taxes. It feels like one other certainty is that taxes are going to in...
Break free of the owner’s trap
Business owners share a common goal — we’re looking for freedom. We want the ability to call our own shots. We want ...
Your company’s best investments
Regardless of size, the top operational and human resources priorities for companies in 2021 are attracting a competitiv...
60,000 businesses can’t be wrong
How does your business score against its competition? Finding out is the first step in charting a course toward being th...
Your biggest competition doesn’t matter
When business leaders meet, the conversation often revolves around a popular question: “Who is your biggest competitio...
How golf can provide you with $210,000 of tax-free income
There aren’t many opportunities for people to receive tax-free income. But, if you’re a business owner, you can rent...
Does your husband own a business? What if he dies?
Despite best efforts, bad things sometimes happen to good people. There is nothing we can do about the unforeseen, excep...
Hiring a No. 2 (your COO) should be a No. 1 priority
Business owners can use a strong second in command to take market share from the competition. The proper chief operating...